Searching, Shopping and Dining for a Cause is a website that offers a unique way for us to raise funds while you do your everyday activities without adding any cost to you. While you search, shop online and dine, you are raising funds for ProMusic Conservatory. Click on the link below to go to the GoodSearch website and follow the instructions to register your support for ProMusic Conservatory.
ProMusic Conservatory will receive 1 penny for each search. This may not sound like much, but if enough people use on a regular basis, this will mount up to a tidy sum over the course of the year.
So, tell your family, friends and neighbors to GoodSearch, GoodShop and GoodDine for ProMusic Conservatory.
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Ordering Music
We are an affiliate with which means that if you click on the icon below, ProMusic will receive a commission on anything you order. The secret is, you must access through our website. This is another way to support ProMusic as you do your normal musical business. Again, tell your family, friends and neighbors to order their music from through ProMusic^s website.